Author: Lucas

  • Go, Go, Go

    Go, Go, Go

    poetry The woe of “Go, go,go” is rarely are your duckies rowed. Are their beds made?Is their room neat?Are their needs met?Are they crushing things? What about the money?Are you building wealth?What about the doubt, ‘Le homie?How do you deal with grief?You’re feeling singled out?Flip the story, chief. You ain’t a victim, You’re learning lessonsLessons…

  • #24 why beliefs are pretty darn silly

    A belief is an idea acquired through inheritance, experience, or impersonation. Beliefs are internally synonymous with truth and limit the holder’s choices to a defined set of actions whose compliance is required to maintain and reinforce identity. Refine it: Good point. That was a mouthful. How about this? A belief is an idea which justifies…

  • #23 mark manson/Lori Gottlieb podcast notes

    #23 mark manson/Lori Gottlieb podcast notes

    Original video: What Everyone Gets Wrong About Mental Health (ft. Lori Gottlieb) – Mark Manson podcast Therapy happens outside the therapy session. You go to dance class not to learn how to dance, but to be a dancer. If you’re not dancing outside of class, you’re not a dancer. Therapy: most people come to therapy…

  • #22 Kintsugi: The ARt of the Golden REdneck

    #22 Kintsugi: The ARt of the Golden REdneck

    This is kintsugi. A broken piece of pottery is repaired by welding the pieces back together. With gold. The artistic form of repair is brought to you by the island nation of Japan. Just Humpy Dumpty had taken his great fall there. That boy would be blinged-out now. Get a little kintsugi in ya, all…

  • #21 The ride

    #21 The ride

    Instantly awkward, my hands found surprisingly soft purchase on the love handles of a grinning Colombian whose demeanor implied such an interaction was part and parcel of a standard Thursday. This was my first occasion to explore past the roadside eatery whose cheese-filled arepas are the only thing keeping my weight anywhere near an American…

  • # 20 The Man’s Prayer

    # 20 The Man’s Prayer

    “I’m a man. But I can change. If I have to. I guess.” Red Green – “The Man’s Prayer” I’ve been thinking about the power of those few words. Creator Steve Smith’s alter-ego Red Green lived this, and so many other pithy bits of wisdom throughout 300 episodes. If you aren’t familiar, Red Green was…



    Today we discuss the beautiful tragedy of life itself, a miracle so incomprehensibly, unfathomably overwhelming that it must, ironically, be ignored to be appreciated. It begins, then ends. Some stuff happens in between, and we call that “life”. We enter and leave, in most cases, quite helpless. The similarities between beginning and end of life…

  • #18 Ozark Wedding

    #18 Ozark Wedding

    *were it more convenient, my scrawl would be manual. This typeface, this format…I find it anti-septic yet inclusive. These words stand to be judged, like bodybuilders in a line, all cut to the carver’s perception of perfection. It’s like one of those chainsaw art competitions – everyone starts with an identical stump. I can’t explain…

  • #17 The Farm Sale

    #17 The Farm Sale

    The last rap of the gavel did not echo. What bidders remained were few and stingy, silently colluding scrappers and junk iron haunts mostly, the occasional local Romeo in search of a suitable demo derby car “for the lady” on the odds they run Powder Puff class at the county fair again this year.  Think…

  • #16 Shut up & win

    #16 Shut up & win

    Steel your mind. Disassociate. Observe your emotions instead of living them. It doesn’t sound like living, does it? It did not to me. I avoided it like a four year-old confronted with a bath. For a very long time. The concept of using my noggin in an entirely different manner was not something I could…