I play Zach Bryan so slow you can hear the notes dry, Samuel Clemens drops some bomb advice on the impossibility of communicating with advocates of Modern Monetary Theory, I flashback to plugging holes in a rice paddy during a downpour, and more…
Somebody said…
No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Mark Twain
Learn from me…
They’re both made from alcohol and smell nice, but cologne is a terrible substitute for mouthwash.
Moral of the story: carry a toothbrush and toothpaste in your truck.
Fun Fact…
While in college, I was in charge of a research project intended to grow GMO rice and inadvertently (to the best of our collective bar-side research) became the first person to grow an acre of rice in Kansas.
There was a joint study led by a Chinese PhD which would have been the first, but their crop entirely failed.
A decade later I met the FBI agent who helped convict that same PhD of corporate espionage when he was caught trying to sneak the seeds from the study back home.
This made me laugh…

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